A dry snow blew down and dusted the north-facing slopes with white.
Matt stopped by, snow dusting his blond hair and his dark blue parka.
The light snow of two days earlier still dusted the red sandy ground and the quarasote bushes that dotted the rises.
A light snow has dusted the vast St. Isaac's Square, which surrounds the church.
An early snow during the night had dusted the nearby peaks.
On rare occasions light snow has dusted the summit.
Even in winter, when a light snow from a gray sky dusts the valley floor, there seems to be a serenity about the place.
Like a sprinkling of powdered sugar, snow dusted its shaggy coat.
Powdered snow had blown into the entrance hall and dusted the tops of her boots.
The first snow had dusted the mountains and the Anglo tourists would soon be arriving for the ski season.