For seven years property owners have paid $2,500 a year for erosion controls like snow fencing and grass plantings.
However, local residents complained that the new section lacked any barriers preventing children from wandering onto the highway, postponing the ceremony until August 27 as temporary snow fencing was erected.
The art critic Craig Owens described it: "Fragmentary evidence of past human presence has accumulated here: oxidized I-beams upended in the sand, what seemed like miles of dilapidated snow fencing.
The interactive verticals, horizontals and curves turn a straightforward view of a boardwalk railing and snow fencing into a complex formal interplay, in which the gulls are a welcome organic element.
"Soft" solutions like snow fencing, replenishing sand and moving the houses are the accepted procedures.
It may be lined by trees, feature a pond at its base and be referred to locally as Dead Man's Hill, but snow fencing and hay bales make this wide slope safe.
Here, a private landowner has barricaded the trail with orange snow fencing, and has posted a plethora of no-trespassing signs including "you do not have permission to be here" and "you are being watched."
Fair Harbor, on Fire Island, is one of the communities has has imposed a local tax to pay for such preservation measures as snow fencing, dune-grass planting and beach raking.
The city's Parks Department is installing temporary snow fencing along the most dangerous parts of the train route, for which it intends to bill Amtrak.
When the chicks hatch many areas will put up snow fencing to restrict driving and pets for the safety of the chicks.