When he hit level ground, the force of the jolt slammed his breath away, left him stunned while snow piled over him.
The ridges banked away the wind, though here the snow piled deeper.
The snow, on the other side, was already piling so deep that the ear could not plow through it.
There was a muffled, almost hushed quality to sounds, and the snow piled up and up.
As are the leaves, blowing on autumn winds and the snow piling deep in cold mountain vales.
The snow was very deep and piled high on the wall, and beyond the dune the sun was polishing the sea.
After arriving at the scene, Doc focused on some trees where the snow had piled and started to dig frantically.
"I don't think I've ever seen snow piled so high."
A long time, if the snow piled at the ends of their shelter was any indication.
And the snow piled so deep that I could barely flounder my way through it.