Nick's hooves slipped in places on the snow-covered rock.
He climbed a snow-covered rock for a better look.
The second time saw him roll over and over until he came up against a snow-covered rock.
I could only dimly see him in the moonlight, stopped on the trail beside a great, snow-covered rock.
On the front pages were pictures of this man, with a pyramid of snow-covered rock in the background.
Before them was a hump of snow-covered rock, with an opening that angled underground.
There's only a trickle of water, but we have to pick our way over and around snow-covered rocks.
Leaning heavily against the snow-covered rock, he fought the gripping desire to close his eyes.
She went back up again to the small outcropping of snow-covered rock where she had stood before.
He skated over to the side of the frozen pond, sitting on an already snow-covered rock to take off his skates.