The one-off development car is undergoing what Audi describes as a "baptism of fire", grappling with freezing conditions on densely snow-packed roads around Montreal.
Most will ride on snow coaches, the specially equipped, environmentally benign buses that travel over snow-packed roads.
The yellow cab slowed in front of the apartment complex, the rear wheels grinding on the snow-packed road as it came to a stop against the curb.
Record-breaking snowfall even closed some Colorado ski resorts temporarily when workers could not get through on snow-packed roads to open them.
The truck bounced hard on the rutted, snow-packed road.
The ride to town took much longer than usual on the snow-packed road.
Lucas hurried out to his truck, then drove slowly down the snow-packed road.
Lucas increased his speed, going as fast as he dared on the snow-packed road.
He stood in the middle of the deserted snow-packed road and raised his eyes towards the Feldwebel with the expression of a dying dog towards its master.
But whether she did or not she pulled them at a delirious pace, locomotive style, along the snow-packed road.