On a snowy morning, the boss shows up unshaven and wearing jeans.
Joe pictured his father and mother on snowy mornings out in the yard, splitting wood.
I'm writing the first draft of this part at my desk (the one under the eave) on a snowy morning in December of 1997.
It was a gray, snowy morning and the streets were covered in sheets of ice that hadn't been salted yet.
Before the cold, snowy morning broke, we were all stirring.
Waking up and walking out on a snowy morning, in the UK at least, is a singular feeling.
The bomb exploded just before 11 on a cold, snowy morning, leaving a scene of chaos and carnage.
"The big change is the cost of farming," he told me one snowy morning in January.
I remember that morning well: gray, snowy, with a real blizzard outside my office windows.
Starting to move on them was as hard as getting an old Nash's motor to turn over on a snowy morning.