Friday's howling, snowy winds gave way to a cold, clear, sparkling Saturday and left behind slopes and slopes of feathery powder - a nirvana for diehard skiers.
Between gusts of snowy wind he could make out two buildings, which he knew from Claudia's diagram would be Pilatus's two hotels.
The snowy wind would enter the terminal through one end and make a hissing noise as it exited the other end.
In the meantime, Dortmunder and Kelp and Tiny had settled more or less into their rooms, and visited one another anytime they had something to say, and otherwise watched the ski-toters plod around in the snowy wind.
The men in this story are as gutted and stiff as the game; war fingers them in the way snowy winds sway the dead animals.
I did just that, though I had to wait on Mojo, who took his time, as if he were utterly indifferent to the snowy wind.
Just as snowy winds and freezing temperatures have finally besieged the city, so, too, have high fevers, runny noses, achy joints - the hallmarks of the cold and flu season - gripped its residents, by the thousands.
She could envision his ancestors, wrapped in wolf skins and beaten metal corselets, descending on horseback from the Chinese steppes, snowy wind at their backs, to raid the villages of the plains.
Leslie turned a corner, was blasted again by a ripping snowy wind, and then walked up the steps to the wooden row house where she lived.
As we were leaving, just before opening the front door and facing the howling snowy wind, Berry asked, "Remember what I said about the holidays?"