Such threats remind us that our so-called civilization is very fragile.
It is a sop to keep men in their places, to ensure that so-called civilization can run on its own momentum.
One way or another our so-called civilisation is going down the tubes.
But even the advances of so-called civilization were no - guarantee of safety.
The cable and the radio hadn't linked us up with the so-called civilization of the mainland.
But if the so-called human civilization ever moved in full force into the Borderland, we would be driven out.
But with the coming of so-called civilization this middle layer's reason for existence slowly atrophied.
Even if they destroy their so-called civilization in nuclear war.
To go on acting as though there were is to add to the layers of falsehood which already cover our (so-called) civilization.
In the long interval, it seems to have been united with the trappings of so-called civilization.