Diazaline is a so-called clear drug, one that leaves no appreciable after-effects.
But in recent years we have created and begun to apply so-called targeted-therapy drugs.
Then there are the so-called recreational drugs.
For patients who have just had heart attacks, so-called clot-buster drugs and aspirin are known to improve the chances of survival.
Here's another bad thing that can happen when you consume alcohol: You're more vulnerable to predators who spike drinks with so-called date-rape drugs.
This has been especially true since the advent of so-called atypical antipsychotic drugs in the early 1990's.
The Mayor recently felt free to criticize Amsterdam for permissiveness toward the so-called soft drugs.
To embrace a permissive attitude towards so-called soft drugs would be devastating. We know that these are the gateway to heavy drug abuse.
It was wrongly stated in the discussions that so-called soft drugs are harmless.
Many politicians appear to have given up on the so-called soft drugs.