'Did you ever see any members of the so-called other gang?'
The so-called Gang of Four remain friends, though their ranks in government are diminishing as they have sought to return to private life.
That kind of will was lacking among Senate leaders during the impasse over judges, leading the so-called gang of 14 to step in.
"The only people I ever knew who were allegedly with the so-called gang were the business people we drove trucks for."
'You saw this so-called other gang carry Carlos into their hideout?'
The so-called Gang of Four was becoming dominant and we had a terrible time agreeing with the Chinese, where to go, what to say.
Premier Zhou's most visible and powerful antagonists were the so-called gang of Four.
Samfundet is mostly run by its members, more precisely people volunteering for jobs in one of its twenty or so committees (so-called gangs).
Haughey survived, and while Barrett was a member of the so-called "Gang of 22" he was not sacked from his office.
Last summer they were absorbed with apprehension that the so-called "Gang of Elders" would pull China back to the Maoist era.