Despite what the so-called reformers would have you believe, $125 million isn't much in this day and age, especially in New York or California.
"Now the so-called reformers are complaining," Mr. DeLay said, "because the debate will be too open for their taste."
In their counterattack, the so-called reformers have equated strident leftism with poverty.
There have been other so-called reformers who have had better, or at least more mixed, experiences, though in more limited realms.
He has also argued that many so-called reformers are not interested in genuine reform, but instead are aiming to deflect scrutiny of Islam.
Whatever lip service these so-called reformers were paying to ridding the political landscape of payoffs, mutual favors, and closed shops, the underlying realities would change little.
Who are they, the so-called reformers?
Some of the blame also lies with the so-called reformers.
The so-called reformers would still fall from power, though now it would take longer and they would remain an annoyance rather than being crushed out of existence.
It'll be about Bill Bradley and some other so-called reformer.