Some were put to death, taking their accumulated wealth as a sign of manipulation and accusing the wealthy class as extension of the so-called "feudal regime".
Training was provided to so-called friendly anti-Communist regimes, without regard to whether they were dictatorships or not.
Praising the crimes of so-called totalitarian regimes and denigrating their victims is forbidden by law in Romania; this includes the Ceaușescu regime.
The democratic socialist parties of Eastern Europe, however, were destroyed when Stalin imposed so-called "Communist" regimes in these countries.
Under partial EU deregulation, airlines could begin new international intra-EU services, as long as at least one of the two governments gave approval (the so-called "double-disapproval" regime).
Nowadays, it is more common to use Mueller-emitter-based sources that are operated at elevated temperatures, either in the Schottky emission regime or in the so-called temperature-field intermediate regime.
We are dealing with a so-called moderate regime, Egypt, as a way of hiding all our shame and cowardice.
A number of speakers, including Mrs van den Burg and Mrs Kauppi, mentioned the so-called 26th regime.
Regulation (EC) No 998/2003 also establishes a so-called transitional regime allowing Member States to apply stricter requirements for the entry and movement of these animals on their territory.
The CAT found that Ofcom had failed to provide sufficient evidence to back its claim that changing the so-called number-porting regime would cost the industry £5m.