According to recent developments in the quest to devise a so-called "theory of everything," space is not an infinitely divisible continuum.
It should be stressed that this is also true of other so-called developmental theories.
In particular, Einstein took the position that quantum mechanics must be incomplete, which motivated research into so-called hidden-variable theories.
The last position that Bach considers is the so-called neo-Russelian theory.
Blink devotes a significant number of pages to the so-called theory of mind reading.
Among various new ideas, Grainger introduced his so-called "free-music" theories.
He takes credit for producing the so-called single-bullet theory to explain how Kennedy was killed.
Hatcher has made contributions to the so-called theory of essential laminations in 3-manifolds.
The fashionable scientific response to this cosmic conundrum is to invoke the so-called multiverse theory.
From this paper, the so-called general theory of the operon was developed.