I've decided to go to Texas, find his so-called new witness, and wring the truth out of her.
A good lawyer could probably destroy your so-called witness, but I don't need the scandal.
Leave to me the so-called witnesses.
Minsky met with the women as the so-called witness at various locations such as hotels, and sexually assaulted some of them.
There are five so-called witnesses who will say they saw English-speaking gentlemen firing mortars and regulation Lee-Enfields at the Weston.
'That might be impossible to determine - unless the so-called witnesses can be persuaded to identify their fellow plotters.'
All they have is this, which is thirty years old, and two so-called witnesses.
A so-called witness said you could hear them screaming like humans.
I have told you before, I would sooner believe Carpathia was the Messiah and one of those two so-called witnesses the Antichrist.