During the 2001 anthrax attacks on the United States Postal Service, authorities warned that alcohol hand rubs and soap and water would not kill anthrax endospores but they will kill the anthrax bacteria.
"I had soap bubbles and I freaked because I might have soap kill the alligator," she said.
She thinks that plain soap and warm water kill germs as well as any antibacterial soap, and that canned tuna and salmon are not any less healthy than fresh.
Hand antiseptics and soap and water will not kill the endospores of bacteria (e.g., Clostridium difficile and Anthrax) and the spores of protozoa (e.g., Giardia lamblia) but soap and water may wash them down the drain.
It's best to toss out diseased plants; Safer's soap will kill soft-bodied insects.
Warm water and soap will kill the germs, but be sure you don't rush.
The soap doesn't kill the virus.
Regular soap kills some bacteria by destroying their cell walls, and the rest are washed away.