Pre-tax profits soared from £27.9 million to £46.3 million in the year to December, following a loss of £68.0 million in 1990.
"Stem cell stocks soared following Bush's announcement."
What insurers fail to point out is that your car insurance premiums will soar following a claim, regardless of whether you have "protected" your no-claims bonus or not.
However these talks came to an abrupt halt when communal tensions soared following the July 2006 train bombings in Mumbai that left more than 200 people dead.
Nevertheless, in the mayor's first two years, the shelter population soared to a record 40,000, following a trend begun under Mr. Giuliani.
Good News on Inflation Sends Markets Up Sharply Stocks soared following news that inflation was not a problem last month at the producer level.
Recessionary fears emerged as oil prices soared following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.
Not long after inflation soared beyond 70 percent a year following the devaluation, home buyers found themselves owing interest equal to the amount of their loans.
Leeteg's popularity soared following a fortunate meeting with Honolulu art gallery owner Barney Davis, who became his patron.
Energy futures prices soared following a report of sharply lower supplies.