It is better than last year, when the rate soared to 87.6 percent.
By 1986, that figure had soared to more than 75 percent.
In the latest three-year period, it soared to more than 12 percent.
And at the end of this year's first quarter, that figure had soared to 31 percent.
Finally, the bottom fell out of the economy and unemployment soared to 9 percent.
About a third of the work is handled by private companies, and that number would soar to 85 percent under the new plan.
Inflation has soared to more than 60 percent a year.
Unemployment has soared to nearly 10 percent of the work force, the highest in four years.
When interest rates soared to nearly 100 percent in 1995, thousands of these loans went bad.
Inflation in China has soared to 26 percent per year.