In line with this more sober approach, Leadbetter stopped short of predicting any more victories in majors for his charge.
Presidents Bush and Clinton both presented this approach as measured, sober, appropriate and prudent.
So which is the more constrained and sober scientific approach?
The whole nation has demonstrated a sober and mature approach to this situation.
But unlike last year, when his budget proposal was marked by dire threats, the Mayor this year tried a more sober approach.
The most talked-about collections this time were not the traditional ones with their sober approach to fashion.
Sometimes the sober approach can still dig deep, letting the music speak seemingly without an intermediary.
I should also like to thank the Danish Presidency for its extremely sober and constructive approach so far.
We need a sober approach.
While her work is very much of the moment, it embodies a far more sober approach than he has ever cared to pursue.