The Audi offered a sober reminder of how hard it is to transform the boxy little space of a sedan interior into a concert hall.
During all the talk of brand identity and newsprint prices, the publishers were also given a sober reminder that theirs is not an ordinary business.
It was difficult; there were too many sober reminders all around him that this was not just another social evening.
It is a sober reminder that many anonymous hands have gone into shaping Princeton and its surroundings.
The Klansmen's jolly capering here is a sober reminder that years ago in some American communities the Klan was considered respectable.
Unlike the other national museums in the capital, it does not celebrate history or technology but stands as a stark, sober reminder of their perils.
"United 93" is a sober reminder of the breakdown in leadership on the morning of Sept. 11.
They think it will serve as a sober reminder this time of year.
Kenmare was badly hit and the simple plot is a sober reminder that not all could join the 5,000 locals who took up a controversial emigration scheme to America.
In a land that prizes harmony and happiness as a way of life, the king offered a sober reminder that life can be hard.