Shiitake had left home wearing a sober black suit, white shirt, and tie.
Mother and daughter wore sober black suits and black mantillas.
Coming out were Tiger's directors, middle-aged iron of various races dressed in sober suits, some with hats.
It was a Friday evening, and the place was busy, business folk in their sober suits returning home from long trips about the country.
Under pressure on the witness stand, she wore sober tailored suits.
He usually wears a sober suit and a necktie, unless when he's forced to use a spacesuit (which happens quite often).
They snack on shrimp and then file into an anteroom to meet the slender man in a sober suit who seeks their support.
The Nationalists have nothing to offer apart from patriotic wish fulfillment in a sober suit.
The Victorian era was a time of standards, and serious men wore sober suits.
Men arrived at work in sober suits and black mourning ties.