Dr. Mansfield's research serves as a sober warning to industrial policy enthusiasts, including President Clinton.
So why should a sober warning about technology's dangers be treated as a revelation after being featured in the April issue of Wired magazine?
The book ends with a sober warning to the reader to never displace the Suryadevta or enter the dungeon.
It should be a sober warning about the present day.
But the closing words of Revelation also contain a sober warning.
Careful readers would have found, amid the detailed descriptions of Ecstasy's life-enhancing qualities, some sober warnings about serious side effects.
And in a sober warning to regulators as well as politicians, the poll found a gloomy view of the future of the financial system.
The American government, while issuing sober warnings, is also involved in intense diplomacy.
But George Soros, the billionaire investor who recently put money into gold, offered a sober warning in an interview with Reuters last year.
With its forest of talking heads, the movie is also a sober warning about the bad things a life in comedy can do to your skin and hair.