Such was the sobering message at a hearing prompted both by past problems and the daunting task faced by city poll takers this year.
Mr. Chan added, "It is this sobering message to bond market participants that has pushed bond market prices to these lofty levels in recent weeks."
And finally came the brief, sobering message.
And within that simple statement lies a message both optimistic and sobering about the next stage of welfare reform.
Sad to say, there are 47 million Americans who have yet to hear that sobering message, and act on it.
They all listened to the conversation in utter silence, absorbing the sobering message.
When the kids do listen to Wheeler, he brings a sobering message.
But occasionally, television takes advantage of this fact to spike its entertainment with a sobering message.
His sobering message may not be what museums with big dreams want to hear.
With its more complex, biracial view, "An American Love Story" sends a sobering message: there will be no idyllic, color-blind society any time soon.