For a few escapist hours, they may even hold this year's sobering realities at bay.
This translates into a sobering reality: once we become fat, most of us, despite our best efforts, will probably stay fat.
But his example gave Clemens an early lesson in the sobering realities of war.
This was, however, in large part due to the sobering reality of mutually assured destruction.
For a few people, though, life without that layer of fat is a sobering and not very pleasant reality.
In truth, I could not believe it a dream for all the sobering reality of things about me.
"The sobering reality is that new orders have yet to bottom, let alone lead the way toward recovery," he said.
Such sobering new realities took their toll on many fun-loving sports cars.
But in its maturity, the home video industry faces some sobering realities.
We are now faced with the sobering reality that less than a quarter of our planet's original forest remains.