Jay Musler's sobering views of the world and its future are expressed with pungency and economy through structured and painted bowls.
One sobering view is that of the man who has supervised the program here for six years.
What Mr. Iverson, Kiwi's chairman, sees from his window, though, is a sobering view of his competition.
It is a sobering view.
Suddenly, as if a curtain had dropped, the panorama of a blood-red sunset on the vast brown Columbia Plateau opened up - a sobering view for weary pioneers.
As Washington congratulated itself last week for establishing the Homeland Security Department, you got a more sobering view here on the homeland's front step.
Perhaps because Home Depot has been so often compared to Wal-Mart, sobering views are emerging.
But I think a more sobering view is inevitable.
It offers a sobering view of the corrections system, which has clearly become a major conduit for infectious disease.
It was a very sobering view.