The sports complex is mainly used for its soccer facility.
It is rated as one of the top soccer facilities in Metrolina.
The facility shares its name with the university's soccer facility.
Also, each country expanded their 20 soccer facilities with an investment of 4.7 billion dollars to prepare for this global event.
Petrucelli said it was also difficult to look away from Texas's commitment to invest $28 million in a soccer facility.
This is now one of the best soccer facilities on the island.
In 1972, it was moved to its current location next to Akron's soccer facility.
In an attempt to revive team performance, the Academy's athletic department completed the construction of $4.5 million soccer facility.
In Montclair, an indoor soccer facility has extended the season to the winter and the summer.
It's a direct response to what initially was a need for soccer facilities.