The SOS curriculum distinguishes this program from any other mountain lesson by promoting self-image, positive relationships, social competencies and positive values.
Another study found that lower ability in role taking related significantly with the lower social competency in autistic children.
Developmental psychologists who are interested in social development examine how individuals develop social and emotional competencies.
Edison already markets its own curriculum to primary schools, based not on conventional subjects but on "thinking skills", "speaking and listening", and "personal and social competencies".
It builds social competency at all ages.
This effect was especially strong for social and cognitive competencies such as coping with uncertainty and communication skills.
Life skills refer to social, emotional, and behavioural competencies which help children and adolescents effectively deal with the challenges of everyday life.
"It's a basic part of social competency."
Early familial social support has been shown to be important in children's abilities to develop social competencies, and supportive parental relationships have also had benefits for college-aged students.
The globalization of the evidence-based classroom program promotes increasing social and emotional competencies, and empathy in children.