In contrast, the Americans are a people with "strong social currents of self-gratification, individualism and competitiveness."
Deeper social and cultural currents are also working against the art film as we've known it.
The march of technological progress and the country's shifting social currents have played their roles in bringing this saga to a resolution.
We need to remind ourselves that prisons reflect social currents far beyond the criminal justice system.
The social currents of 19th-century England are not easily adapted to the Virginia countryside, which is where the film takes place.
But social currents have changed, and so has my neighborhood.
In Berne's story, these broad social currents are compressed into a single vivid and apparently inevitable arc.
Reynolds excels at depicting the cultural, social and intellectual currents that buffeted the nation.
Before Ali came along, the history of American boxing had mirrored the social and political currents of the day.
She has a great grasp of subtle social and emotional currents.