Satire played a strong part throughout the series, grounded in the cinematic and social ethos of the 1970s.
Social satire played a strong part throughout the series, grounded in the cinematic and social ethos of the 1980s.
Collections of items give an insight into the social and cultural ethos of that period.
It provides the basis for social ethos, the code for personal conduct, the tenets of family relations, and the foundation for the nations constitution.
Since then, Seun has followed the political and social ethos of his father.
It is your bloodthirsty social ethos that I take exception to.
Historically, urbanization, poverty, family breakdown and changes in social ethos are big determinants of crime.
Thus it may be unrealistic to expect a democratically run workplace when the prevailing political and social ethos is authoritarian.
It is the last word on the social ethos of the mofussil Hindi heartland.
In much of the music, the social and existential ethos is one of cooperation as opposed to confrontation.