Gill indicates that O'Hara was nearly obsessed with a sense of social inferiority due to not having attended college.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, the fable was used to underline the perception of the black man's 'natural' inferiority, both moral and social.
He was acutely conscious of class divisions and his social inferiority.
This was actually an attempt to avoid assumptions of biological, moral or social inferiority, and instead be neutral and 'scientific'.
Using dialect conveys neither social nor educational inferiority and is done with pride.
The laws which were passed to reinforce the social inferiority of slaves applied to both.
You know as well as I it has lo thing to do with his social inferiority.
Many of them are a result of his supposed social inferiority.
But such classifications may not be used, as they once were to create or perpetuate the legal, social and economic inferiority of women.
This commission found that more than 10% of Israel's inhabitants suffered from discrimination, injustice and social and financial inferiority.