The positivst genre endorsed economic and social modernization, while being critical of armed, irredentist struggle.
Fisher argues that the government aggressively promoted economic, industrial, and social modernization in the war years.
Following the gradual loss of Ukraine's autonomy, Kiev experienced growing Russification in the 19th century by means of Russian migration, administrative actions and social modernization.
Each one of those so-called long waves has been characterized by a sustained period of social modernization, most notably by sustained periods of increasing economic productivity.
Peter implemented social modernization in an absolute manner by requiring courtiers, state officials, and the military to shave their beards and adopt modern clothing styles.
Rather, Mr. Blair evoked an ambitious program of domestic reform in areas like health care and education that would cement a legacy of social modernization.
Political, social and economical modernization; mixed economic policies, open economy, emphasizing also the role of the Greek diaspora.
Another common point of the Antivenizelists was a hesitation about the country's social and economical modernization.
Francis Fukuyama considers the role of long-term social and intellectual modernization while Vladimir Kontorovich examines the related factor of economic stagnation.
The book examines social and economic modernization and its conflicting relationship with modernism.