Some filmmakers portrayed the former outlaw as a revenger, replacing "social with exclusively personal motives."
Here, the ethnic origins and social motives become as important as how the listener is made to feel.
There is an obvious social motive behind explanations with a sharing function.
Art historians have explored the painting's racial, sexual, and social motives in the context of American society at the time.
Functional projection: How fundamental social motives can bias interpersonal perception.
The drama's second act is often ungainly and reductionist, particularly in unfolding the social motives of Vi's revenge.
The organization had some political and social motives, but mostly served as a strong-arm muscle for the crime family.
He wrote numerous Polish-language verse forms (many were lost afterwards) based on biblical, social, and erotic motives.
Germany and Austria wish to maintain this restriction until 2011, without any more serious economic and social motive.
Perhaps akin to the development of music and singing, which has also been explained through social motives.