Putnam argues that as people retreated within their homes and general social participation declined so too did voting.
"I do not mean to idealize the social participation of the popolani," Wills writes.
Without a diverse, independent media, citizen access to information crumbles, along with political and social participation.
Female social participation may have been more widespread than has been realized.
Restricting women's economic, political and social participation is a human rights issue.
Women were also marginalised from general social participation.
The new feminist ideology allowed women to fight for their rights, increasing the social participation of women by a significant percentage.
Technological development should not exclude any groups, but rather help them in their social participation.
Helping women getting employed is one of the key elements since employment generates income and promote social participation.
There is some evidence to suggest that the greater social participation in P2PU may lead to more invested learning than other online education.