Higher pay for teachers and a national plan to attract the best talent to the profession and raise its social stature.
The reality was that Thaw both admired and resented White's social stature.
The low social stature of a woman inhibits her abilities to truly impact her community in astonishing ways.
Many women played, dealt, or ran their own houses; this choice of profession offered them the opportunity to attain monetary independence and social stature.
"He is forthcoming and earnest with people of every social stature."
Thus, those families who were at risk of losing their livelihood and falling in the social stature would risk the trip to America.
There appears to have been an elite class as well as an increase in social stature for the craftsman.
He's dedicated to justice and ensuring that every individual has the ability to take their legal issues to court regardless of their social stature.
Concubines did not receive much protection under the law, aside from the legal recognition of their social stature.
The Jenkins' financial and social stature gained them national press in Ebony magazine.