They were among the first to produce socialist literature in Yiddish.
Copies of the newspaper have been preserved in today's library, along with a host of other socialist literature.
Socialist organizations and meetings were forbidden, as was the circulation of socialist literature.
Nan goes to Florence's house, which is filled with socialist literature.
Carl also had a substantial library consisting of socialist literature of all colors.
His name is also famous in connection with the collection of original socialist literature in Vienna.
Kater soon began spending much of his spare time reading illegal socialist literature, and became active in the union's clandestine activities.
He himself defined his political convictions as "ethical socialism," and was deeply impressed by socialist literature as a teenager.
During the latter part of the 1880s and particularly in the 1890s, she began to read socialist literature and turned increasingly towards socialism.
During that time is specialised in socialist and Russian literature.