In its nascent years the party encompassed a broad range of various socialist philosophies, with differing concepts of how to achieve their goals.
But it would be hard to identify a coherent or clear-cut Labour or socialist philosophy in the sense in which such philosophies had existed before 1914.
In political/economic theory, notably socialist (including anarchist) philosophies, the distinction between private and personal property is extremely important.
This work was intended to draw a distinction between the utopian socialists and Marx's own scientific socialist philosophy.
For some, he was an unreconstructed nationalist; for others, a man who wed his nationalist beliefs to socialist philosophy.
The socialist philosophy that riots half-baked in your veins has passed me by.
In leather-bound volumes she kept meticulous records of books she had read, which reveal a wide range of interests, including socialist philosophy.
It reflected the socialist philosophy of the founders.
Scientific socialism, the Marxist socialist philosophy related to historical materialism.
This can be expressed through our socialist philosophy: we are in favour of a market economy, but we are opposed to a market society.