Both Italian and German fascism were in part a reaction to international communist socialist uprisings, in conjunction with nationalist fears of the Slavic empire.
He announced an intention to return to Paris and continue his legal studies, but ended up in Spain, where he was arrested for taking part in a socialist uprising in 1934.
Less radical in his political opinions than his father, he suppressed a socialist uprising at Marseille, commending himself to General Cavaignac, who made him prefect of the department.
The party contacted the embassy of the Soviet Union asking for its assistance as it began planning a socialist uprising in Tibet and Kham.
Dr. Czinner, an exiled socialist leader, wants to travel back to Belgrade, only to find that the socialist uprising he was anticipating has already taken place and failed.
With assistance from the Soviet Union (themselves fresh from a socialist uprising), he entered into an alliance with the fledgling Communist Party of China.
His unit, the "Maercker Volunteer Rifles", were soon called to rush from city to city stamping out socialist uprisings.
She organised a socialist uprising in Germany but was killed by a right-wing group called the Freikorps.
Abu Taher incited and organised a socialist uprising of the soldiers on 7 November 1975.
Hearst fled America, occasionally returning to foment socialist uprisings (the Seven Hearts Revolutions) throughout the 1960s.