Oregon tends to elect socially tolerant, fiscally conservative, somewhat independent candidates.
One is "hedonistic, secular, socially tolerant, rooted in the values of the 60's" - that is Mr. Clinton.
The orangutans at Suaq Balimbing live in dense groups and are socially tolerant; this creates good conditions for social transmission.
One of these groups, labeled "upbeats" in the study, consists of young, optimistic, socially tolerant voters.
The country has established a high level of gender equality, promotes disability rights, and is legally and socially tolerant towards homosexuals.
Today, it is a socially tolerant, prosperous nation with a fully functioning democracy.
In general, Germany is one of the more legally and socially tolerant countries towards homosexuals.
Asian countries, notably Thailand, have a more socially tolerant view of transgender sexuality.
Their context is a politically open and socially tolerant city not entirely grown out of its homespun, frontier sensibilities.
"Here, there are a great number of unaffiliated and Republican voters who are fiscally responsible, environmentally conscious and socially tolerant."