Access to abortion was also widely demanded, but this was much more difficult to secure because of the deep societal divisions that existed over the issue.
In this respect, Easton provides an excellent opportunity to establish the nature of routine policing in Northern Ireland and how it is affected by societal divisions.
This book is about scientific method in ancient India and how societal divisions of the time shaped the development of science.
Even though Hema and Madhava love each other, neither realizes this due to societal divisions of caste & economic class.
Access to abortion was also widely demanded for these reasons, but was more difficult to secure due to existing, deep societal divisions over the issue.
Still, even as economic issues are abating between the two formerly separate parts of the country, societal and cultural divisions persist.
That is, all commodities are social products of labor, created and exchanged by a community, with each commodity producer contributing his or her time to the societal division of labor.
No matter how much they challenge accepted cultural standards or straddle societal binary divisions, everyone deserves a bathroom they can call home.
There might be other kinds of societal divisions.
Although only a small number of Londoners used the mass shelters, as journalists, celebrities, and foreigners visited they became part of the national debate on societal and class divisions.