From a societal perspective, one may compare this concept to that of social media being a public utility.
In both cases, the choice may be rational from the individual's point of view but undesirable from a societal perspective.
The book does not have any single protagonist, but instead looks at the development of the Newts from a broad societal perspective.
Absolutely, and even from a societal perspective, it makes me very sad how much overconsumption and wastage there is.
"From a societal perspective, we need to evaluate the degree of tsunami hazard that might be posed by a major submarine landslide," the scientists wrote.
The value placed on the specific sport and event from a societal perspective is important in the awareness stage.
Instead, they provoke the viewer to question and to think about the issues from different cultural and societal perspectives.
Social and moral values: Individual and societal perspectives.
Notes from a medico-ethical and societal perspective.
This will allow for a more comprehensive and accurate summation of societal perspectives as functional status is highly valued amongst all people.