Liberal economic theory argues that free market economies create a spontaneous order, "a more efficient allocation of societal resources than any design could achieve".
The Extending the Cure (ETC) project is a research and consultative effort that frames the growing problem of antibiotic resistance as a challenge in managing a shared societal resource.
Many economic classical liberals, such as Hayek, have argued that market economies are creative of a spontaneous order, "a more efficient allocation of societal resources than any design could achieve."
In essence, welfare chauvinists consider immigration to be a drain on societal scarce resources.
Climate change as well as ever-changing societal resource demands have prompted the resource use of this area to evolve, or emerge.
In the very long term one hopes that the developing world will actually develop and therefore have the economic and societal resources to plan for disaster response.
Friedrich Hayek argues for the classical liberal view that market economies allow spontaneous order; that is, "a more efficient allocation of societal resources than any design could achieve."
Hospitals and healthcare services are vital components of any well-ordered and humane society, and will indisputably be the recipients of societal resources.
We're still expending close to sixty percent of our societal resources on ecosystem maintenance or rehabilitation.
The radicals (neo-principle-ists), on the other hand, gave a messianic interpretation to the concept, one that promised equal distribution of societal resources to all-including the "unequals."