One married woman who moves in high society circles came forward during the nine-day trial and said Courtney had raped her.
"I have to go around in society circles every evening until late," he wrote.
Originally known simply as a beautiful but vain woman, she eventually became known in society circles as a "victim of cosmetics".
The offending piece was widely circulated in society circles, finally coming to the attention of the Princess and other members of the Royal family.
Murray went on tour to Scotland and visited the high society circles of London.
Today, they and their wives and children continue to hold prominent positions in Toronto's society circles.
Borchert's family was very liberal and progressive, they operated in Hamburg's intellectual society circles.
This open marriage arrangement was referred to in society circles as the 'Woodhouse circus'.
Still, he was a man known in society circles.
She was described as a witty beauty with great charm and was greatly popular in the city's high society circles.