A healthy society, Santorum continued, would not condone sodomy or "man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be."
Maasai society never condoned traffic of human beings, and outsiders looking for people to enslave avoided the Maasai.
A truly moral society should not condone or allow such actions.
But he added that "our society cannot condone prosecutions motivated solely by grief or rage."
But conducting homosexual or even heterosexual activities in public and spreading contemptuous religious ideas are something that no society can condone.
And society condones it inadvertently, because we do not legalize drugs.
How can any civilised democratic society not only justify but also condone this?
Traditionally, "Polynesian societies condoned premarital sexual expression, access to partners was strictly structured.
But you have to try killers because a civilized society cannot condone murder.
Even if a whole society condoned rape, it would not become right; that society would be morally defective.