The first society in history whose leaders were neither Attilas nor Witch Doctors, a society led, dominated and created by the Producers, was the United States of America.
The Lonely Crowd also argues that society dominated by the other-directed faces profound deficiencies in leadership, individual self-knowledge, and human potential.
Ours is in fact a society dominated, as no previous society, by a single racial purpose which is in a sense religious.
Book four depicts the land of the Houyhnhnms, a society of horses ruled by pure reason, where humanity itself is portrayed as a group of "yahoos" covered in filth and dominated by base desires.
White (European) society and government dominated and completely changed Native America.
The Domain of Skyholm, a class-based European society located in France, the Alps, and the Low Countries dominated by an ancient pre-war dirigible aerostat.
Any organized society can dominate a peasant community, because its members never form anything more than a loose union against outsiders.
Theirs was not, however, a centralized society dominated by a single leader or a single imperial city.
The society that brings the spectacle into being does not dominate underdeveloped regions solely through the exercise of economic hegemony.
Early European American scholars described the Native Americans as having a society dominated by clans or gentes (in the Roman model) before tribes were formed.