Its purpose was "the formation of a great national coalition that will group the forces which adopted and triumphally support the society project for democracy and modernity".
The program offers young social entrepreneurs microgrants to lead civil society projects in their local communities.
Other governance and "civil society" projects, Mr. Rhodes said, have helped local communities organize and are spawning new leadership.
Robinson was one of a select group of community activists invited to the launch of the big society project at 10 Downing Street in May.
A parliamentary committee says the 'big society' project is confusing.
In a speech last March, David Cameron identified the creation of new schools as the first item on a checklist of "big society" projects.
It is part of a society project to update the records of the veterans buried at the cemetery.
Moreover, guidelines were adopted in 1998, and civil society projects are regularly funded under the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights.
Out of the total sum of 44.7 million, that leaves about five to six million which have already been earmarked for civil society projects in Kosovo.
Another favorite society project, he said, was the National Geographic Bee, an annual national competition for fourth to eighth graders to test their knowledge of the world.