A narcokleptocracy is a society ruled by "thieves" involved in the trade of narcotics.
But in a society ruled by narcissism, nobody is willing to undergo the kind of melting that's demanded at either the personal or social level.
Suddenly we live in a clockless society, ruled by primal rhythms.
Even wearing the Turkish fez was forbidden in the new society ruled by "science, knowledge and civilization."
My second case features a totalitarian society ruled by the runner-dieters.
A society ruled by sterner values, he suggested, would build enough prisons to lock up "every violent criminal in America."
The work outlines a new form of society ruled by a hierarchical spiritual aristocracy.
They felt that reforming the education system was the best way to reinvigorate a Muslim society ruled by outsiders.
We are a democratic society, ruled by the rule of law.
Pocahontas is offended when Smith calls her people "savages" because they do not have any modern buildings or a society ruled by a king.