Individuals don't just read or write texts, they interact with them, and often these interactions involve others in various socio-cultural contexts.
Definition 2: Intelligence analysis is the application of individual and collective cognitive methods to weigh data and test hypotheses within a secret socio-cultural context.
A committee can include a few as four or as many as 40 members, depending on the socio-cultural context.
The third nature is its socio-cultural context that could not be replaced by new immigrants.
The socio-cultural context of society places major influences on and form social norms, including the effects of politics and the mass media.
Furthermore, the telecentre should be well rooted in the socio-cultural context of the community.
In this work the focus on socio-cultural context and networks is strong.
Besides, the group launched cultural expedition in organizing theatre events with the non-actors in three different socio-cultural contexts.
Examples of holism can be found throughout human history and in the most diverse socio-cultural contexts, as has been confirmed by many ethnological studies.
This theory was developed by Leont'ev and focuses on understanding the socio-cultural context (specifically the setting) learning occurs in.