TheMarker also wrote: "After all, the film was an art project, not intended as a coherent socio-economic analysis but to serve Joseph's creativity."
As a writer, Faouzi covered a wide spectrum of subjects, including poetry, art critique, political commentary and socio-economic analysis.
An ecological and socio-economic analysis of biodiversity conservation in East African wetlands.
Ryerson put forth a socio-economic analysis of the Quebec and in turn educated most English-speaking Canadians about a region they knew very little about.
Critical edition based on documents and socio-economic analysis of the facts and hypotheses of the Casa de Lara.
Critical revision, based on documents and socio-economic analysis of the deeds of the House of Lara.
Gender analysis is a type of socio-economic analysis that uncovers how gender relations affect a development problem.
He founded and headed a school for development economics and a research center on socio-economic analysis.
There are therefore five fundamental aspects: improving communication with society, rigorous socio-economic analysis, solid scientific foundations, greater coherence with other common policies and the promotion of European standards in international fora.
I voted in favour of the report as I believe it is important to carry out socio-economic analyses using appropriate tools that will complement GDP.