This relationship has been harder to establish because the issue of malnutrition is often conflated with socioeconomic issues.
Resistance to state attacks on people's rights intensified, and there was a need for information on socioeconomic issues.
Like most large cities, there are many socioeconomic issues including homelessness.
Three years from now, they will be doing something else as socioeconomic issues change.
Blumhardt's interest gradually took what could be called "a turn to the world," namely, a focus upon the great socioeconomic issues of the day.
There are various cultural and socioeconomic issues that prevent women from having adequate access to education.
Coachella has dealt with socioeconomic issues which produced a history of above-average crime rates.
I know there is a connection between socioeconomic issues and results.
Arts regeneration does little to address the socioeconomic issues that underlie the deprivation in my old home town.
Long lines will change the character of the vote, and, considering how close some elections have been, this is a socioeconomic issue to consider.