A minority group is a sociological category within a demographic.
But nobody lives her life from the outside: you dwell on your sociological category to evade self-pity or to pity someone else.
Perhaps the most obvious sociological category is the "possession trance."
Indeed, at times he seems simply to be translating sociological categories into philosophical norms.
Moreover, they argue that researchers making the above criticisms have also significantly misinterpreted the role of sociological categories in the two theories.
Lust came first; the sociological categories came much later.
If you reduce yourself to some sociological category instead of being fully human, you will also be building your own little psychic jail.
In this excursus, Simmel introduced the stranger as a unique sociological category.
Or the experiences and social importance of women may be particularly misrepresented through the need to fit them into pre-defined male-oriented sociological categories.
They were "anti-art," if we take art to be a historically identifiable sociological category of human creative activity.