Nevertheless, there have been some excellent studies, representing a variety of sociological traditions.
Bourdieu's ambition to unite these sociological traditions, which had been widely thought to be incompatible, was and remains controversial.
He is regarded as one of the founders of social psychology and the American sociological tradition in general.
Max Weber takes an objective, distant view of the sociological traditions of the institution of religion.
Society and culture in sociological and anthropological tradition.
One of Durkheim's main legacies is the sociological tradition known as functionalism.
In our opinion the most satisfactory framework for explaining penal phenomena is one which draws on several different sociological traditions.
Since the 1980s, however, there are cross-pollinations between the sociological and economic traditions in institutional analysis.
Parsons consolidated the sociological tradition and set the agenda for American sociology at the point of its fastest disciplinary growth.
A relevant criticism comes from Pierre Bourdieu, who working in the sociological tradition, wrote on similar topics such as photography, art museums and modern literature.